
DakarSuperZero 8,5x17"

DakarSuperZero 8,5x17"

Application Jeep
SE5330130051 + C3.000124.02
0,00 € VAT included
Available colors

quantità prenotata con gli ordini: 0

Includes road mounting kit (required)
Diameter MOD_DKSZ
Width 17
ET 8.5
Holes 30
PCD1 127
Wheel center bore SI
Steel insert 71.6
Nut cone SI
Centering ring 60°
Marca NO
Modello Jeep
Marca2 Grand Cherokee
Impiego 2 Rally Raid
Peso_Teorico Anthracite
Peso_Imb 15.46
Note_ruote 16.9

Model = MOD_DKSZ

path = /img/prd/RUOTE/gallery/MOD_DKSZ/17/

SQL=select x.*,pl.free1,pl.free2 from [dbo].[nccat4_xcattab_ruote] x inner join nccat4_product p on p.code=x.code inner join nccat4_product_lang pl on pl.prd=p.code where x.idparent='SE5330130051' AND pl.lang='en' AND p.free1='c3.000073.03' ORDER BY A1,A2,A3

SQL_0=select x.*,gl.title,r.kit,r.applicazioni,r.colori,dbo.[nodecomm_productprice](x.code,'') as price,p.discountprice,p.free2 as ref_prd,p.fam,g.mod,g.cat from [dbo].[nccat4_xcattab_ruote] x inner join [dbo].[nccat4_Product] p on p.code=x.code inner join [dbo].[nccat4_xcattab_global] g on g.code=x.code inner join [dbo].[nccat4_xcattab_global_en] gl on gl.code=x.code left outer join nccat4_xcattab_ruote_calc r on r.code=x.code where p.type=0 and x.id=10840

prd_fam=RUOTE prd_mod=MOD_DKSZ prd_diam=17 a1= a2= a3= a4= a5=MOD_DKSZ a6=17

ASTDiametro 17.000000

ASTLarghezza 8.500000

ASTET 30.000000

ASTN° fori 5.000000

ASTPCD 127.000000


ASTCenter Bore 71.600000

ASTBoccola SI

ASTFissaggio 60°

ASTAn. centraggio NO

ASTMarca Jeep

ASTModello Grand Cherokee

ASTImpiegor Rally Raid

ASTColore Anthracite

ASTPeso_Eff 15.460000

ASTPeso_Imb 16.900000

ASTNote_ruote cap ø60 alto per lente ø45

if ((disp_0 == 0) || (disp_1 <= 0)) {